BECKY FREHSE                                                                                                     



M.F.A. Painting and Drawing, 1984.  Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington

B.F.A. Painting, 1980.  Magna Cum Laude.  Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona



2024        Spacious Rambles, upcoming (June-July), Wagner House Art Series, Lakewold Gardens, Lakewood, WA

2022         Col Legno and Soaring, site-specific installations for Tacoma Light Trail and Spaceworks, Tacoma, WA

2021         Tone Poems, Helen S. Smith Gallery at Green River College, Auburn, Washington

2020         The 9th Street Reconciliation Orchestra, site-specific installation at Pantages Theater Windows, Tacoma, WA

2019-20   Fiddle Woods,site-specific installation at Art on Main Public Art, Auburn, WA

2018         Ensemble I and II, site-specific window installations at Meydenbauer Center, Bellevue, WA-a Shunpike project

2014         Music Box, site-specific public window installation, Woolworth Windows, Tacoma, WA-a Spaceworks project

2012         Making Music, Sarah Spurgeon Gallery, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington

2010         Learning to Read Music, Gallery 110, Seattle, Washington

2010         Adaptations, The Sandpiper Gallery, Tacoma, Washington

2008         Collected Stories, Pierce College Gallery, Steilacoom, WA

2005         New Work, The Sandpiper Gallery, Tacoma, Washington

2001         Small Scrutinies, The Sandpiper Gallery, Tacoma, Washington.

1999         Field Notes, The Sam and Nathalie Brown Center for the Visual Arts Gallery, Charles Wright Academy, Tacoma, Washington

1996        These Eight Became My Children, Charles Wright Academy, Tacoma

1994         Being Translated, Commencement Gallery-Tacoma Arts Commission Gallery, Tacoma, Washington

1987        My Tunisia, University Gallery, Pacific Lutheran, University, Tacoma, WA.

1985        Collected Stories, Women's Cultural Center Gallery, University of Washington YWCA, Seattle, WA

1984         Recent Drawings, Art Gallery at Tarrant County Jr. College, Fort Worth, Texas.

1984         Mortal Landscapes, MFA Thesis Exhibition, Sarah Spurgeon Gallery, Central Washington University. Ellensburg, Washington


Group and Collaborative Exhibitions

2024         The World Through Abby’s Eyes, Collins Library, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington

2023         24th Annual Juried Exhibition, Tacoma Community College, Tacoma, Washington

2023         Juror’s Invitational, The Leonor F. Fuller Gallery at the Minnaert Center for the Arts, Olympia, Washington

2022         2022 Southwest Washington Juried Exhibition, Leonor F. Fuller Gallery, South Puget Sound Community College, Olympia, Washington

2022         Bloom, Childhood’s End Gallery, Olympia, Washington

2019         Foremothers, two-person collaboration with Jane Kelsey-Mapel, Practical Art Gallery, Phoenix, Arizona

2017         Pursuit of Happiness, two-person collaboration with Jane Kelsey-Mapel, Practical Art Gallery, Phoenix, Arizona

2015         Mélange, two-person collaboration with Jane Kelsey-Mapel, Practical Art Gallery, Phoenix, Arizona

2014         2014 Foundation of Art Award Exhibit, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, Tacoma, Washington

2013         Global Perspectives, Tacoma Community College, Tacoma, Washington

2013         ReConfigured, collaboration with Jane Kelsey-Mapel, Sky Harbor Airport, Phoenix, Arizona

2012         ReConfigured, collaboration with Jane Kelsey-Mapel, Gallery 110, Seattle, Washington

2011         Women With Passports, Gallery 110, Seattle, Washington

2010         Might Tacoma, Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, Washington

2010         Crossroads and Connections-Central Washington University Alumni Invitational, Gallery One, Ellensburg, Washington

2010         Food for the Soul, Gallery 110, Seattle, Washington and Gallery 114, Portland, Oregon

2010         New Members-New Work, Gallery 110, Seattle, Washington

2010         Literary, Gallery 110, Seattle, Washington

2009         Feminist Art Exhibition, Tacoma Community College, Tacoma, Washington (Juried)

2007-2009 Grand Impromptu Co-operative Gallery, Tacoma, Washington

2007         Yangzhou Art Gallery, Yangzhou, China with the Asia Pacific Cultural Center, Tacoma, WA

2006         Larson Gallery 34th Annual Juried Photo Exhibition, Yakima Valley College, Yakima, Washington

                                    *Award-Honorable Mention  Juried by Alan Berner, Seattle, WA

2004         Building Wise, Northwest Biennial Exhibition, Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, WA  

2003         Collected Stories, collaboration with Louise Williams, Sandpiper Gallery, Tacoma, WA

2002         East-West Horizons,  The Fountainhead Gallery, Seattle,Washington.

2001        Larson Gallery 29th Annual Photo Exhibition, Yakima Valley Community College, Yakima, Washington.

  Juried.  Award of Excellence.

1997       SWCA-Seattle Women's Caucus for Art Exhibit at ARTSpace Gallery, Seattle

1996       Beijing and Beyond Women's Caucus for Art Traveling Exhibit

1995       Tacoma Now Penelope Loucas Gallery, Tacoma, Washington

1995        Tell Me a Story,, Women's Caucus for Art Exhibit at the NGO Forum on Women, Huairou, PRC

1996        Becky Frehse & Elizabeth C. Otto at Continuous Spectrum Gallery, Tacoma, WA

1993/94  Commencment/Commencement, Commencement Art Gallery, Tacoma, WA

1993        Going Far and Returning, a 2 person show at Larson Gallery, Yakima Valley College, Yakima, WA

1993        Old Friends-New Voices, Tacoma Little Theater Gallery, Tacoma, WA, curated by Penelope Loucas

1993       Chinese Perspectives, University Gallery, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington

1993         Reconstructing Identity, The Seattle Center Pavilion, Seattle, WA

1986-92  Annual Art Department Faculty Exhibits, University Gallery, Pacific Lutheran University,Tacoma, Washington

1990        Washington State Art Faculty Exhibition,, the Esvelt Gallery at Columbia Basin College, Pasco, Washington.

1990       Women Artists in Washington,  Olympia School District, Olympia, WA

1987&86 Northwest Women in the Arts Invitational Exhibition, University Gallery, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington

1987       Women in Art, Tacoma YWCA Juried Exhibition, Tacoma, WA

                    *Juried: People's Choice Award, 1987

1987       Pacific Gallery Artists Annual Juried Show, TacomaHistorical Society, Tacoma, Washington.

* Juried: Second Prize for Drawing

1986        Cats, Tacoma Art Museum's Children's Museum, Tacoma, Washington

1987        Peace Corps Artists, The American Cultural Center,  Tunis, Tunisia.

1985        29TH ANNUAL CENTRAL WASHINGTON ARTISTS EXHIBITION, The Larson Gallery, Yakima, Washington

                 *Juried: Pioneer Bank Award

1985         Pacific Northwest Figure Drawing Competition, The Visual Arts Center of Alaska,Anchorage, Alaska

     *Juror, Alfred Leslie

1984        Kansas Pastel Society Annual Exhibition, Wichita Art Association, Wichita, Kansas.

  *Juror, Albert Handell

1984        First Alcoa Gallery '76 Exhibition, Gallery '76, Wenatchee Valley College, Wenatchee, Washington

   *Juried. First Prize Award

1984       28th Annual Central Washington Artists’ Exhibition, Gallery One, Ellensburg,Washington

                *Juried: Second Prize Award

1984        A New Order of Ten,, Tenth Annual Woman Image Now Exhibition, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. 

1983       Community Art Gallery Annual Exhibition, Gallery One, Ellensburg, Washington

                  * Juried; First Prize Award and Honorable Mention

1983        27th AnnualL Central Washington Artists’ Exhibition, the Larson Gallery at Yakima Valley Community College, Yakima, Washington

*Juried: People's Bank Award

1980        Collected Stories, Sixth Annual Woman Image Now Exhibit, Harry Wood Gallery, Arizona State Univeristy, Tempe, Arizona

1977        Annual Student Art Exhibit,  University Art collection Gallery, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.

*Second Prize



Juror’s Award, 24th Annual Juried Exhibition, Tacoma Community College Gallery, 2023

Nominee for Annual Foundation of Art Award, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, 2014

Tacoma Artists Initiative Project - Grant Recipient, 2009

Award for Excellence in Photography, Larson Gallery 29th Annual Photo Exhibition. Yakima Valley Community College, Yakima, Washington. 2001

Juried by Drex Brooks and Herb Blissard.

Artist Trust GAP Grant for "Personal Journals" project at the NGO Women's Forum in China. 1995

Pioneer Bank Award, The Larson Gallery-29th Annual Central Washington Artists Exhibition, Yakima, Washington, 1985.

First Prize, First Alcoa/Gallery '76 Exhibition, Gallery '76, Wenatchee Valley College, Wenatchee, Washington, 1984.

First Prize and Honorable Mention, Community Art Gallery Annual Exhibition, Ellensburg, WA, 1983

Second Prize, The Larson Gallery 28th Annual Central Washington Artist’s Exhibition, Yakima, Washington. 1984




South Puget Sound Community College-Public Art Collection, Olympia, Washington

Central Washington University Library-Book Arts Collection, Ellensburg, Washington

Harborview Medical Center Art Collection, Seattle, Washington

Pierce County Public Art Collection, Tacoma, Washington

City of Tacoma-Public Art Collection, Tacoma, Washington



Affiliate Art Faculty; Dept. of Art and Art History,University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, 2007-2019

Artist in Residence, Lecturer, Adjunct Art Professor, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA, 1986-1993

Artist-In-Residence; Washington State Arts Commission. 2001-2010

Teaching Artist Mentor; Arts Impact in Education, Tacoma, WA.  2000-2005

Art Instructor; The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA. 2001 and 2002

Guest Lecturer; Pacific Lutheran University, School of the Arts.1994-1999

Art Instructor;  Charles Wright Academy, Tacoma, WA  1995 – 2000

Director;  The Women's Center at Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA.1992-95

Gallery Coordinator; the University Gallery, Pacific Lutheran University, 1990-91

Artist-in-Residence; Washington State Arts Commission, 1984-85.

Teaching Assistant; Dept. of Art, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA 1982-1984



Contemporary Painting (Western)- the Fine Arts Institute in Guangzhou, China, 1991

Lecture and painting demonstrations- the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Tunis,Tunisia, 1986

Guest Lecturer- Tacoma Art Museum; Brown Bag Lunch Series, 1987



Co-Moderator;  Women's Caucus for Art (WCA) Panel & Workshop at the 4th United Nations NGO Forum on Women in Huairou, P.R.C.  1995

Peace Corps Volunteer; Tunis, Tunisia.  1985-1986

Studio Artist Assistant to Katy Baucke; Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1981-1982

Published Article;  Modern Perspectives-the New Landscape of Shan Jianfeng, Guangzhou Ribao, March 26, 1992

               Translated by Wu Gaolin.




MUNSON SCHOLARSHIP, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington,1982-1984

MAGNA CUM LAUDE, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.  BFA 1980.

REGENT'S SCHOLARSHIP, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 1976, 1977, 1978, and 1979/80.

EXCELLENCE IN PAINTING, Awarded as B.F.A. candidate at Arizona State University, May, 1980

PHI KAPPA PHI, National Honor Society, A.S.U. Chapter, 1979

ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA, National Honor Society, A.S.U. Chapter, 1976